
Posts tagged with portraits

  1. Collection Review 2018- Part 1: Portraits

    2018-12-31 22:28:07 UTC

    This is part 1 of 3 posts showcasing the 33 artworks that entered collections of friends, family and art-lovers this 2018. The ten paintings included here are portraits painted of people or animals from reference photographs I took or provided by the client. Thanks and onto the Collection Review!  Shalom…

  2. New Family Album

    2016-11-23 16:33:00 UTC

    I’m creating a family album, but instead of photographs it’s of drawings.  I’ve been scrolling through my pictures and am picking out a select few that make the cut.  I just finished a portrait of my husband, and it’s a picture of him - he’s got his hand on his…

  3. Charcoal Portraits: Commission Now For the Holidays

    2016-11-16 14:18:00 UTC

    If you’re anything like me, your phone is filled photos.  I love capturing exciting events and intimate moments, and I smile when I look at these pictures.  But I rarely print any of my photos.  I’m changing all that by building a collection of portraits of the people I love,…

  4. 5 Qualities to Great Portraits

    2016-08-24 13:38:00 UTC

    Sometimes I post about work I’m creating or my art development.  This bit of news shares some research from a gallery visit. The entire National Portrait Gallery shocked me.  Before visiting the museum my idea of a portrait was a likeness of a person.  No big deal.  Just get the…

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